Freitag, 25. Dezember 2015


I lately listened to the old veterans of Geriatic Unit again and was remined of how great they still are. After that i found out that they released a new 7" in 09/15.GGGGRRREEAATTT!!!!!!!!

They still slowed down a bit like on the "Audit of Enemies" LP which I had to get used to (a bit) after their first 5 LP's which had much more tempo. But Gords voice is still awesome and the efforts of these od four dudes are still highly appreciated. By the way: In Your Face Records is the old label of bass player Kalv.

OLD-FA(S)T-LOUD still rules!


Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2015

DEADFALL - 3 Singles

This time i came across this band because I randomly found some live footage from them on Youtube. I liked their name and artwork so i took a chance at the 'cogs and was surprised how good this band was. What Happens Next, Tear it Up, Weaving the Deathbag or midtime D.R.I. with Mike Muir (first LP era) on vocals is a good description I think. They worked with Labels like 625, Tankcrimes or Six Weeks so it suits this blog an my muical taste. Best song title for a long while: BEER NOT CHURCH!

All ripped by me,myself & I.

1st 7"

2nd 7"

3rd 7"


they played with the mighty Dolf!



Dienstag, 10. November 2015


Lately im more in the mood for more melodic stuff and TERRIBLE FEELINGS from Malmö, Sweden suits this mood very well. Highly complex music guitarwise with a female singer who really fits this description. Every song is an earcatcher and stays in the head. For people who also like Voight Kampff or Safewords. Released on Deranged Records (US) and Sabotage Records (Germany).



Here we have 23 Tracks of no frills Hardcore like D.R.I. or M.D.C. from Burn your Bridges.This band features Chris Doge from Spazz/Slap a Ham Records and Bob from Lack of Interest/Deep Six Records.With only 2 members this band stears up a lot of noise.With song titles like "Revolution now-destroy the scene" or "Shut up and play" these guys are pretty outspoken about their issues.The songs are really fast without going into the Fastcore/Powerviolence direction like you would expect with these 2 members."Just" plain fast Hardcore.
The vocals sound harsh but are understandable,no grunting or screaming here.
The Lp was released 2002 on Deep Six Records.

"I doesn't matter what labes we use,we all hide behind our respective costumes"


ACRID & LEFT FOR DEAD - Hacked to Pieces **REUP**

Die Split LP mit dem geilsten Artwork ever kam auf No Idea Records im Jahr 1997 raus.
Beide Bands haben auf der Lp eine grausame Produktion.
Bei Acrid gehört das wohl zum guten Ton hahaha.
Wie bei Abombanation/Our Gang hab ich versucht,beim Rippen das Beste rauszuholen.Obs geklappt hat könnt ihr selbst entscheiden.
Ich denke nicht,daß ich zu beiden Bands noch viel schreiben muß.
Macht euch auf die Suche nach der Lp.Ich für meinen Teil bin echt froh,das Dingen mein Eigen zu nennen.

Acrid & Left for Dead - Hacked to Pieces
Land: USA
Label: No Idea Records
Jahr: 1997
Format: LP


Sonntag, 27. September 2015


Nerdige Veröffentlichung der Band aus Oslo, Norwegen auf Disiplin Media. 5 x metallischer Hardcore mit schwedischem Gesang auf insgesamt 250 Kopien in 4 Varianten. Geile Idee die Plastikhülle zu bedrucken. Hallo Heartfirst!

Disiplin Media


Donnerstag, 3. September 2015

DER FAUSTMÖRDER - Die Elbfaustharmonie Tape

Der Faustmörder hat mich ja schon einmal auf dem Blog besucht. Hab den Besuch aber unbeschadet überstanden. Nun gabs eine auf 25 Stück limitierte Kassette mit der 7" und der Show in Hamburg auf der MS Hedi am 20.07.2011. Den Livemitschnitt hab ich mal für die Komplettisten unter uns digitalisiert. Danke an Uga Uga Tapes für den günstigen Kurs!


Sonntag, 9. August 2015


Ebro from Ruination and Pillage on vocals. It sounds as if Choke from Slapshot was fronting Gordon Solie Motherfuckers or The A Team. I got this 7" for 2 € - great deal. Because of the lack of free time you just get side A and side B, not the individual songs. Start complaining somewhere else.


Dienstag, 28. Juli 2015


Simon from 7degree asked to post this. The information provided:

1st LP of the infamous Potsdam Beach Blastpunx!!!

Thrashy riffs, blasting beats, grinding licks, hard rocking grooves and a dirty punkrock attitude in a thick sounding production amalgamate into a very own style of hard hitting music that these hard working lunatics (members of Crude B.E., Cyness, Crowskin) have brought us before on 3 incredible demos and a couple of 7“es.

Released with 2 amazing silk-screened cover topping each other in quality and design.
1. cover is a 3 color run on thick cardboard closing in the vinyl. lyrics are printed on the inside of the cardboard. 
2. cover is a see-through paper with a 2 color run on it and a cut-out on the back for you to read the songs easier. Have a look:

Listen here:

Get in Contact via:


All the Posts i did post until now on this Blog are my collective works from 2007 - 2015 at Mosh Eisley.

ISSUNA - Same 12"

Post für Marco von Santa Diabla. Der hat (mit ein wenig Hilfe meinerseits) jetzt die neue Issuna LP aus Spanien rausgebracht. Falls das Ganze Euch anspricht gebt Marco über oder mir hier aufm Blog Bescheid.


Package: 2-Song 12", 180g Vinyl, einseitig bespielt, B-Seite mit grauem Siebdruck, limitiert und handnummeriert (103 Stück), Siebdruck-Cover und Inlay mit den Texten.

Musik: 2 Songs im 90er Jahre Squat-Core-Gewand, ein Mal über 16 Minuten, beim 2. Song genügen 30 Sekunden (siehe Video unten). Inhaltlich geht es in den Texten - gesungen/geschrien auf Baskisch - um viel Misanthropie und etwas Hoffnung.

B Seite

Label A Seite

Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2015

PILLAGE - Demo 2013

pretty good stuff by this punch in the face/los crudos/mk ultra personnel. it's like choke of slapshot sang on the first knife fight 7".
i won't provide you with a downlad link because the fine guys at regurgitated semen records will be releasing this demotape on 7" in 02/14. look out for that, the tape itself is long gone.
last note: their siege cover rocks!

SFN & IN DISGUST - Split 7"

scorded this pretty cheap at the bay. in comparison to this the hummingbird of death 5" is an opera haha. the cuts or better named fragments of both bands are over in seconds, otherwise they wouldn't have fit onto one side of a 7" record. pretty strange artwork and no lyrics included...nevertheless i liked the idea of a one sided split 7" and in disgust so what the heck.



BARGE - No Gain 7"

hardhitting HARDcore. like ssd never went into hard rock hell and recorded the follow up to "get it away" with the usual modern twist in 2013. sort of...

you can get the digital version of the 7" for free on their bandcamp site. great service but like always: don't forget to buy the vinyl if you dig it.

honorable mention: cut the cord that...records for releasing the demo tape in a quantitiy of 100 pieces.already sold out.

the band ???


NARSAAK & PLANKS - Split Picture 7"

dieses gerät auf decoy industry ist ähnlich wie das zeugs von tief in marcellos schuld records oder die nerdcore jungs wie für diesen blog gezimmert:

auf 222 stk. limitiert, ungewöhnliches artwork (ein holzrahmen rahmt die picture 7" ein) und eine schon fast rührende liebeserklärung des labels an vinyl und die diy haltung.

das konzept des labels ist auch einzigartig. die veröffentlichen nur split singles mit jeweils einer band aus darmstadt und einer grösseren band, die nicht aus der stadt kommt. kenn ich so auch noch nicht. gekauft natürlich wegen den großartigen NARSAAK. rest in peace!

diy/vinyl liebeserklärung


decoy staff


RIPOSTE - Demo 2015

female fronted raw as fuck recorded fastcore from paris, france. i checked them out on the great blog one track to hell so thanks for that post mike.

the recording will be released as a demo cassette via knochentapes form germany as phil of the band stated.get it there or from the band!

until then just download it for free from their bandcamp page.

one track to hell
riposte on bandcamp
knochentapes blog
knochentapes bandcamp


1/3 ssd + 1/3 the fix + 1/3 last rights = 1/1 of damn good ugly and mean sounding hardcore. go over here, check out the band, download their stuff for free and after that spend your saved  money to buy their 2 singles.

der halleffekt auf den vocals macht mich echt fertig. ist mehr als positiv gemeint.


just like f minus or peacebastard fast female fronted hardcorepunk. also comparable to needles/limp wrist/los crudos.
really great stuff!!!

the artwork is kind of first impression of the cover photo was: is he jumping and commiting suicide?but the photo continues on the back where you can see some molotov cocktails ready to be thrown.

from the thought crime homepage:

"Ruidosa Inmundicia “de una vez” 7”: They were the surprice of the century to me. I think I first met their drummer at a Y show in vienna when he was 15. Years later I saw his band play a show in Helsinki and I instantly became their biggest fan. After a great demo this was their vinyl debut. 1000 made (second pressing had a greyish cover). Sold out."

inside the sleeve