2 new (jetzt nicht mehr so wirklich...) promising bands from Germany here.Both play fast Hardcorepunk.
Alarmstufe Gerd have really good lyrics,making fun of the Hc/Punk scene and stating that the youth of today (no not the band) is lost in being to fascinated with the importance of looking cool.They sing in german,take a look at the "lyrics" section to the right of the blog.
Spastix call their Demo "Vollast Dorfpunx".Their singer sometimes sounds a little bit like Lou Koller from S.O.I.A but their music is more trashy and less produced like a demo should be.They also sing about not being able to skate as good as they would want to.I like that (reminds me of myself...).
I recommend you to (immer noch) check out both bands.
Alarmstufe Gerd:
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