Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2015


angefangen als reine grindcore combo mit weiblichem gesang entwickelte sich die band seit 2009 weiter und bringt mittlerweile viele verschiedene einflüsse in ihrem lärm unter. man höre sich nur mal den letzten song der lp an und vergleiche mit dem rest - was ein gegensatz zwischen ruhe und krach.

infos ausm pressekit:

"CLOUD RAT is an American grindcore punk band. Adrian, Madison, and Rorik formed the band on a whim in December 2009, at a punk house in a small college town known as Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The initial idea was to create the filthiest, most emotionally-charged grindcore possible. But after a few practices, their other influences started creeping in, and they knew that there would be more to this band than just a few blastbeats and shouted vocals. Musically, they are influenced by all the punk and metal greats, as well as grunge, goth/new wave, hip-hop, rock and roll, jazz, shoegaze, on and on and on. They firmly believe in a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle, radical feminism, and positive social change through tolerance, respect, awareness, and compassion.

Moksha is an absolutely insane, ripping piece of blastbeat driven grindcore, fueled by 90's screamo-violence, punk, various kinds of metal and all kinds of other noises.
Lyrically, the songs shift between personal and sociopolitical topics (often painful and explicit dealing with issues of drugs, neglect, emotional/physical/sexual violence, abandonment, poverty, racism/sexism/homophobia, etc), usually delivered poetically rather than straightforward."

übers layout wird aber nix gesagt...dann halt ich nochmal:

das design ist richtig toll - ein echt schöner siebdruck in silber auf schwarz. uneingeschränkte kaufempfehlung meinerseits, zu erwerben bei 7degree records/react with protest hier in europa oder halo of flies/ifb in den usa. werbemodus ende.

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label seite a

label seite b

cloudrat homepage
contact 7degrees records

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