Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015

CURBBITE - Same 7"

I was asked if i could upload the Curbbite 7" so i contacted
Karsten of BreakXOut Records if that would be okay.He was fine with it so here we go.Check the other Curbbite post to know what this band is all about and other pseudo-intelligent rants by me.
Like this one:As a small remark the order of the songs on the 7" seem a bit strange.Both first songs sound like intros.So when the second song starts it feels like "Yeah let's fucking go off now" but then another intro starts.Me being picky here again I guess...

UPDATE:Rob told me that the songs sound much too bassy on his stereo system at home.
I did some twists to the original rip and uploaded another version.
Check for yourself which one does the most damage to your ears!

Download Bass Version

Download Treble Version

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