Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015

THE GATE CRASHERS - Loud at any Volume 7"

The Gate Crashers from the USA bring you 10 times fast and furious hardcore with every song clocking in around 45 seconds.In the beginning the 2 original members started the band in january 2000 because they were bored with all the bands being around so they wrote the songs for this 7" in less than a month adding 2 covers by The Neos and DYS.Good choice!
The lyrics mocking for example 1988 styled youth crew bands were written on the day before the actual recording which also only took 1 day. Quote from the lyric sheet:

"Once again proving we can do a band in a month better than you can in 5 years."

This collection of short blasts was released by Parts Unkown Records (also bringing you stuff from Violent Minds and Career Suicide).So this is another hint of what to expect musically.


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