Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015

WHITE MALE DUMBINANCE - Forced Vengeance 7"

Long time no writing...
But after I received a copy of this gem and asked for the permission to put it on this Blog I had to let you know about White Male Dumbinance.

Hailing from the land down under a.k.a. Australia these guys really give you a boot to the ear!They rage through 12 songs of pure,fast and powerful hardcore that leaves me speechless every time i listen to the 7".They do cover cover Infest with "Why don't you" but manage to give the band the actual justice it deserves.Their version is as if a train is rushing through your head and wrecks everything in it's way.Like with the original!
Top Notch stuff from a not so known band which surly deserves your attention!I'm glad that I ran across this.

I got my copy of this 7" from one of the bandmembers but you can also go to Missing Link Records for a purchase.They also worked on stuff for Iron Lung,Agents of Abhorrance or Regulations so you know you're on safe musiacal ground there.

For an attempt at some sort of musical comparison imagine a bastard son of Extortion (not only for territorial reasons),The Neighbors and Lack of Interest I guess.

The name of the band goes hand in hand with their strong anti war/ australian/ nationalist stance commenting on the almost complete extinction and genocide of the aborigines (the original australian inhabitans).
And by the way if the name of the band sounds familiar to you you already have a good taste in music.If not check out B.G.K. from holland.


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